A strategic Italian marketing plan is essential for your export business success
A strategic Italian marketing plan is the only tool that allows your company to find customers and sell. And not generic customers but the ideal customers. The best ideas grow together.
Italian marketing plan is nothing more than the analysis of the company, its products and its reference markets with the consequent implementation of strategies and targeted communication activities, to win new customers and consolidate its reference.
Each company must have a detailed, tailor-made Italian marketing plan that best defines the company strategy for the Italian market. Without an Italian marketing plan it’s like sailing on the high seas without the help of a GPS but still using the sextant.
An Italian marketing plan is not addressed just to large companies but also to the micro, medium and small ones; not only to companies in crisis but also to companies that want to consolidate their market or acquire new ones or to launch new products and in addition to companies that need to renew or innovate.
An Italian marketing plan should answer to this 5 questions:
- What need are you addressing?
- What makes you different?
- Who is your audience?
- How is your business going to make money?
- How will you promote your business?
Advantages of an Italian marketing plan developed specifically for the Italian market
- Helps you to localize and contextualize the product in Italy to immediately meet the taste of Italians
- Identifies needs and wants of consumers
- Determines demand for products
- Aids in design or re-design or making small adjustments of products that fulfill consumers’ needs
- Identifies competitors and analyzes your product’s or firm’s competitive advantage
- Identifies new product areas
- Identifies new and/or potential customers
- Allows testing to see if strategies are giving the desired results