Binko is an Italian Strategic Marketing Consultant specialized in supporting foreign companies to develop the best strategy to export to Italy
I am an Italian Strategic Marketing Consultant specialized in supporting companies to meet immediately the linguistic and cultural traditions and commercial requirements of the Italian market. This means marketing localization.
My name is Daniele Binco. I am 57 years old and after 30 years as a Marketing and Sales Director I started my new career as an Italian Strategic Marketing Consultant. I work for both Italian and foreign companies that want to develop the right business in Italy without wasting time and money.
To develop a correct business in Italy you have to make some studies to be sure to enter the market in the right way and to start promoting your company and having success. This means that you must have the right communication strategy to speak correctly to Italian people to entice them to buy your products.
My job is to help foreign companies to achieve this through the necessary strategic studies.
My experiences taught me that for a great export business the company must have the support and the cooperation of someone who knows that specific market, because he was born in that place and lives there. It is only by living in this country that you can perfectly understand Italian people, what they want and how their buying process works.
The goal of my work is to allow companies to increase sales and margins on sales, but unlike others, I do it starting from marketing with my own method, the Binko Method. Lean, fast and detailed.
Analyzing companies, understanding their needs, their objectives and their goals is my strength. For this reason I dedicate myself to this work, giving companies the opportunity to understand what they cannot presently understand, because they are not located in Italy and thus have no Italian vision of the market.
Let’s talk about this together
How are you managing export to Italy? If you feel that you could do it better and you want to line up with me please send an email to or just call me – that is easier – on my Italian phone number +39 349 57 40 367.